Thursday, 26 July 2012

PowerPoint 2: Measures of location

When conducting an experiment, we collect data, usually in the form of quantitative variables that are measured or observed. These values we refer to as response variables.

Data will be either discrete or continuous. Discrete variables are obtained by counting. There are a finite, or countable number of choices available with discrete data. You can’t have 2.36 people present in the room for example.

Continuous variables are usually obtained by measuring. Length, mass, time – these are all examples of continuous variables. Since continuous variables are real numbers, we usually round them in other words, we put a boundary on the number of decimal places.

Learn more by opening up the following Google Slide Show


  1. According to the data ,there are many people which are having a high risk of getting diseases and illnesses or any other health prolems and most of those people are not over weight or under weight but they are health normal interms of thier wieght,the influence of thier healthy weight might be doing exercise programmes ,weight loss programmes or going to the gym and eating a balanced diet,there are a few people that are over weight and having a low risk of health problems,this is rare also in daily life to find people like that,the diet might be an influence,it also applies to the people who were under weight but who had a high risk of having health problems,maybe this might be due to a set of a lack of certain nutrients that thier body is misingwhich might lead to health problems.

    from Andile Langa -3262353

  2. sorry guys i ment there are many people who are having a low risk in my first line

  3. Interpretation and conclusion from Ess132 BMI results

    From the figures provided it can be concluded that the majority of the students in the ESS132 class are not at risk. However, statistics state that 72% of capetonians are overweight. The possible reason as to why majority of the students in Ess132 class are not overweight could be due to diet, daily lifestyle and stress.

    In addition, students are more self-conscious therefore they are more likely to watch the food consumed. Also stress contributes greatly to a students daily lifestyle which could lead to irregular eating patterns.

  4. Also, students have greater amounts of energy and can therefore exercise more regularly. This contributes to their healthy normal Bmi status.

  5. Poor nutrition or underlying health conditions in adults can result in underweight. The statistics show that our Environmental and Sustainability Studies (ESS 132) class has a good BMI range, reason being is students are more prone to stress that could cause bad eating habits. Gender plays a big role in various weights as it depends on the portions consumed. The more active the person is then more energy is used and the more food will be consumed, it turns into a life cycle as the more food you consume the more exercise you'll need. exercise and eating healthy is the key to a good healthy diet.

  6. The statistics show that the Enviromnental and sustainablitity studies (ESS 132) class has a healthy BMI. Overweight and obesity result from an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercising. It can also be because of a slow metabolism and as students body's are not fully developed.Younger people tend to be more fit than adults as they are more full of energy and are constantly on the go. healthy diets should be implemented in order for younger people to stay fit and also be aware of their body's state. weight issues can be effectively managed if people were to change their diets and lead better, more healthier life styles.

  7. The data from the Environmental and sustainability studies (Ess 132) class indicates that the average bmi (body mass index) of the 2012 class is at a safe level. This means that the majority of the class is at a low risk of being overweight or underweight. People that are overweight or underweight are prone to have or develop many different sicknesses. A good diet, good nutritious intake and a regular exercise plan will help to maintain or create and well and healthy body.

  8. 1.Does the Body Mass Index(BMI)match the Waist to Hip Ratio(WHR) as a measure of fatness or thinness of the human body?

    2.Do men who exercise more than 4 days a week has a low risk for obesity than men who exercise 1-3 times a month?

    3.Do men of the same age has the same BMI ratio?

    4.Are the Waist to Hip Ratio(WHR) a better measurement to determine a person's body shape?

    5.Are women more at the risk of obesty according to BMI then men of the same age?

  9. 1.Does the bmi measure the W,H,R as a measure of fatness and thinness of the body?

    2.Can one measure the level of health with the bmi?

    3.Is a naturally big boned woman that weighs more than the average woman seen as overweight?

    4.Is a short, small boned male that weighs about the same as a big boned average weight male seen as overweight?

    5.Does the bmi of a male differ very much from that of a female?

    6.Is the bmi test accurate in measuring ones weight?

    7.Is there a required bmi level for males above the age of 25?

    8.Is there a required bmi level for females above the age 25?

  10. 1.Does the BMI match the WHR as measure of fatness or thickness of the human body?

    2. Are there more overweight women yhan men?

    3.Do people who exercise have a lower BMI than those who dont?

    4.Are people of higher age more likeley to be overweight?

    5.Does weight play a good indication in BMI?

  11. BMI (Body Mass Index) is not reliable as muscle weighs more than fat. Thus a very fit and masculine person would have a BMI over 25, which is not accurate.

    The WHR (Waist to Hip Ratio) is more accurate but it should include height as a variable as it changes the size of the proportion.

    My results from BMI and WHR do not correspond. I feel that diet should be considered and not just exercise. As the BMI / WHR does not indicate an individual’s health with regard to lacking vitamins or so. I also think that the question of (How many obese/overweight people do your live with?) As it is normally a good indication of the person’s education or mindset concerning diet and exercise.

    The statistics state that Capetonians are South Africa's most overweight howeverthis does not correspond with the data collected from the ESS class. This could be for a number of reasons, as our range in terms of age is confined to persons under the age of 30 and there are no seniors taken into account.
